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Bye for awhile :)

Hi abu, enjoy your holiday in Prague. Is it worth to visit? I may go there after xmas with my mates.
It''s cheap enough to go and enjoy low cost everything (i.e. 24 beers, 2 cheeseburgers, and a large pizza for about £20) but you'd need to be sure of what you are going for - as I found out. I wanted to do a bit of tourist(ish) stuff while my friend just wanted to drink which created a conflict in interest.

The Czech's themselves seemed rather ignorant people and there was a distinct sense of xenophobia. The taxi drivers are conmen and, since they don't speak English (unless they are even bigger conmen) then its handy to be able to speak German or Czech to haggle prices down and get around. That is, of course, if you don't fancy using the wonderful (and cheap) tram system.

If you do go then take a map as the streets are hard to navigate - it's like you keep coming back to the same point no matter which direction you walk. And find ex-pat bars - they're the ones who are more willing to help.
Freya said:
I missed you Abu. Has anyone ever called you Big Man?

You're not supposed to be giving it away until next month. Quit hitting on all the Scotsmen. ;)

something was missing when you were not here, Abu. umm, there was once or twice when i thought about u.--ur seriuosness. :p
watercrystal said:
something was missing when you were not here, Abu.

That's true. A certain piquant aroma was definitely lacking. Thank heavens you're back. I for one am so excited I nearly wet my manties.
Freya said:
I swear I didn't even know he was Scottish... :D

You lie! Besides, how are you going to work out a time share between three of them? Did you even consider that?
You know how crap I am at Geography :(

I'm not sure how it would work, maybe they could have one weekend a month each and that would give me a weekend free to be a slapper?