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Bye for awhile :)

And I wouldn't really class myself as hirsute - my chest, for example, is hair free. It's really just the beard.
Why would you want proof of my hair-free chest, when you were tempted by the idea of a hairy slapper? That makes no sense. If anything you should want proof of my facial hair.
You can PM me your bare chest pics (if you don' feel comfortable posting them in public) and I'll put them in the pile for review. I accept that you have a beard although I find the claims of a hair free chest to be somewhat dubious and only physical evidence in the form of photographs will allow me to relieve the tension, I mean, be satisfied as to your claims of non-hirsute chestness.
That doesn't answer my question though. You were tempted by my supposed hirsute-ness. And now you want photographic evidence of my hair-free chest. Really, you should have lost interest when I said I was hairless.
See how he's using excessive happy faces to try and convince everyone he's not a grumpy old man? Well he is! Don't be fooled.
Freya said:
See how he's using excessive happy faces to try and convince everyone he's not a grumpy old man? Well he is! Don't be fooled.

Maybe it was a bad decision hiring you as my PR representative. :(
Abulafia said:
I would just like to certify Freya as being certifiably insane. :cool:

Dare you?! don't you know i am her older sister? I should be certified before her. :mad: don't make such kinda mistakes.

Freya, I trust you very well that you can handle it decently. I just, well, you know, it was such a fresh experience of being a sister. :p