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For Brits only :P

Best new choccy bar

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OK... the IMPORTANT issues! We get too bogged down on this forum with talking about frivolous stuff!!


Out of the new chocolate bars on the market, which is the most yummy??? :D

  • Orange kit kat
  • Lemon and yogurt kit kat
  • Mars delight

I'm not a Brit, so obviously I won't vote, but can you please tell me what a Mars Delight is? Curious minds want to know. :)
Well, you could actually vote if you had tried them lol

Anyway, Mars delight is a new chocolate bar by... Mars company lol It is very yummy! It is chocolate with a soft caramel inside and in the centre a light crispy wafer. It tastes a lot better than it sounds :)

BTW, America is a great country, great poeple but... your chocolate is CRAP :)

SillyWabbit said:
BTW, America is a great country, great poeple but... your chocolate is CRAP :)
The Mars Delight sounds... well... delightful! Imagine that! :)

I wouldn't know how it tastes in comparision to other countries -- at least not to the extent that I can offer up an opinion. Why do you say that? And do you mean the actual chocolate itself or the candy bars made with it?

And no, before you ask, I'm not being defensive about "American" chocolate, I'm just curious (again). Geez, you'd think I was cat or something. ;)
I ain't seen the lemon Kit-Kat. Only one way I could vote. Do they still do Rolo Biscuits?
{Tigress} said:
The Mars Delight sounds... well... delightful! Imagine that! :)

I wouldn't know how it tastes in comparision to other countries -- at least not to the extent that I can offer up an opinion. Why do you say that? And do you mean the actual chocolate itself or the candy bars made with it?

And no, before you ask, I'm not being defensive about "American" chocolate, I'm just curious (again). Geez, you'd think I was cat or something. ;)

Well, this is only IMHO obviously. I am warped as you know so not sure you want to listen to my opinion lol Anyway... I think the actual chocolate is rubbish. It is very low quality. Your chocolate ( hershy bar! :eek: ) is bascially what our very cheap chocolate tastes like that we give to kids. I think you don't have the range of candy bars or the inventivness of candy bars we have either. You do have moon pie that is kinda like our wagon wheel :) Moon pie an a big yella! How southen can you get??? :D Although the Americans that I know have tried English chocolate and say they prefer the American chocolate. I think, bascially, it comes down to what you grew up with :) If you have a PO box ( don't wanna give internet weirdos your home address, right? ) I will send you a couple of English chocolate bars for you to try. Gosh, arnt I ever so nice? :D

Mile-O-Phile said:
I ain't seen the lemon Kit-Kat. Only one way I could vote. Do they still do Rolo Biscuits?

I mot sure if they do :) I actually have not tried that! There is a chocolate that I have not tried??? this is terrible, must fix :D

SillyWabbit said:
Well, this is only IMHO obviously. I am warped as you know so not sure you want to listen to my opinion lol Anyway... I think the actual chocolate is rubbish. It is very low quality. Your chocolate ( hershy bar! :eek: ) is bascially what our very cheap chocolate tastes like that we give to kids. I think you don't have the range of candy bars or the inventivness of candy bars we have either. You do have moon pie that is kinda like our wagon wheel :) Moon pie an a big yella! How southen can you get??? :D Although the Americans that I know have tried English chocolate and say they prefer the American chocolate. I think, bascially, it comes down to what you grew up with :) If you have a PO box ( don't wanna give internet weirdos your home address, right? ) I will send you a couple of English chocolate bars for you to try. Gosh, arnt I ever so nice? :D

Oh my, aren't you kind! You'll have a PM shortly. :)
Mars Delight definately gets my vote - mmmmm. Must admit I haven't tried lemon and yogurt kit kat but it sounds a bit disgusting.
Dammit - there's your advantage of being a southerner Wabbit - I don't think those chocolate bars have filtered through to the north yet BOOOOO!

Orange Kitkat maybe... but not lemon & yoghurt and Mars Delight?? Nope.

Can you believe my local shop hasnt had mint Aeros in for about a week now? How rude!

On the quailty of American chocolate.. hmmm don't think I've ever tried any actually, but it prolly does just depend on what you grow up used to... Sometimes even with the same product, they change the ingrediants or flavour according to which country they're to be sold in... I wonder if an American Mars tastes different to an English Mars? :)
Actually American Mars tastes similar I think. But then again, mars is not exactly good quality chocolate!!! Nothing like a galaxy :) Now thats good choccy!!!

No mint aeros??? Go and slap them about the face with a kipper at once! While you are there, demand that they get in some Mars Delight! It's yummy, trust me!!!!!

I think you are right about the chocolate. I think it just depends on where you grow up and what you are used to :) either one is not really better or worse just what you are used to!
Actually americans DO have some great chocolate. I love it so! It's the peanut butter cups by reese ( or any company that makes similar! ) They are DAMN yummy and I could eat them forever!! You can actually get hold of them here but they are a bit more expensive :)

Oh and for anybody into chocolate, I recommend Cyber Candy for chocolate from America, China, New Zealand, Japan and South Africa!!! :)

Mmm I had a dangerous Galaxy addiction when I was about 14 - that and Fruit Pastilles. Recently it's been Nestle Double Creme mmm yeh that's good stuff - I like the eggs they had for Easter too, which you can still buy (but no mint aeros :/)

Oooo do you remember the thin Cadburys bars you could buy - were they Animal bars? They's have like, 3 different animals on them? Anyway - they dont make them anymore they just make a thin bar with random writing on it. Boring!

Oh and, Twirl or Flake? I don't think it's fair to compare them directly but sometimes I ponder the question just to amuse myself. Flakes can get messy. But Twirls are a bit... safe?? Lol :)

Quick make a poll about icecream :D
Nestle double cream MMMM OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD lol

Cream eggs rule but are very messy. Don't eat them in public, well... not if you wanna look kewl lol

Flake is better. Good advert as well :D

I do remember the animal bars lol I have not thought of those in years! What about the curly whirly bars??? They don't make those any more. I loved them when I was a kid :)

Yeh yeh yeh they still do curly wurly bars - well they do here anyway, they're prolly been replaced by orange kitkats down there!!!

I used to like those Sherbet dipper things. But not flying saucers. They were nasty :/
Those flying saucers that tasted like paper??? They were ok but the sherbert dipper things were great!

AWWWW why don't I have curly wurlys bars here??? *cries* It's a cruel world dammit when a man is deprived of his curly wurly bars. What sort of world are we building for our children? I tell you! A curly wurlyless world!!!!

What about those packets of fizzy stuff that popped in your mouth? lol Don't see those any longer either!

!!! what were they called?? The stuff that exploded in your mouth and you could feel it all whizzing round?! Thats was cool! The flying saucers were gross :(

Have you tried a Rolo McFlurry yet? It's summer! Time to start eating icecream!
SillyWabbit said:
AWWWW why don't I have curly wurlys bars here??? *cries* It's a cruel world dammit when a man is deprived of his curly wurly bars. What sort of world are we building for our children? I tell you! A curly wurlyless world!!!!

We have Curly Wurlys in our part of London - I had one the other week - honestly.

A debate we were having at work last week:

Milky Bar or Dream (the new Cadbury white chocolate)?

For me it would have to be Milky Bar but they just aren't big enough. :(

As for the original question - don't like the new Mars Delight - too sickly.

Oh - and what ever happened to Wipsa Gold? - they were my favourites - I even got my friend to send me them over to Eastern Europe when I was living there. A travesty that they are no more. :mad:
I can't really vote yet because I've only tried the orange Kit Kat so far. The Mars Delight thingy sounds nice, and is definitely on my "to try" list! The lemon and yogurt thing sounds absolutely revolting - bleurghh! Are you sure about it? *Checks calendar* No, it's definitely 1st June not 1st April! :)

My current addiction is Galaxy Minstrels, but I do like Caramac. It's incredibly sickly, but they still don't do it in a big enough bar, and hardly anyone sells it. :(
From what I understand, Hershey's chocolate is made with sour milk rather than condensed, which is why it tastes different. I prefer their special dark, actually.

The only chocolate I won't eat is the really cheap stuff that comes out on Valentine's Day and Easter.

I'm not sure what you're basing our lack of variety on, but I'm pretty sure we can hold our own. I wonder if the store down the street has any dark chocolate kit kats left? Hmmmmmmmmmm.