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For Brits only :P

Best new choccy bar

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That link I posted has Curly Wurlys. Once you order your sweets and chocolate are typically with you within a couple of days. Wham-bar-tastic!
It is amusing to notice that even in "hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey gives her patients, Harry, and Hemione chocolate" :eek: and that Professor Lupin gives harry a large piece of chocolate to move away his-harry's freziness after his sight of Dementor.

Isn't that funny? I admired Rowlling's humour. well, I mean, I liked her this idea. ;)

PS: Wabbit, Don't you have pic to show me either to arouse the appetite or to get rid of my silly curiosity? :rolleyes:
PPS: how you are in a chocolate way? Do you mean your mouth was full of Mars delight when you were tpying? :p
How healthy is the Mars Delight?

That's just silly. It's a chocolate bar. Of course it's fattening. I don't think picking on the chocolate companies is going to solve the country's obesity problems. Maybe if people felt it was safe to let their children out alone they'd get some exercise, or maybe if the food labelling laws were tightened so it wasn't so easy to mislead people they wouldn't be piling on the calories when they thought they were eating healthily, or maybe if people took responsibility for their own waistlines instead of trying to blame the government all the time then obesity wouldn't be such a problem. But there are no criminal gangs out there forcing people to shovel in another cream cake. And the Government is nobody's mother.

There's an overweight woman at work who's constantly going on about losing weight and everyday she's there eating doughnuts and cakes. I suggest she take some exercise and there's always a reason why it's either unsuitable or she has no time. She'd rather stay sat on her arse, eating chocolate than do anything about her weight problem. I appreciate that for a lot of people comfort eating becomes a cycle of depression, but it's still nothing to do with the bloody government.
Freya said:
I've eaten dog chocolate :(
It's nothing to be ashamed of. If we stick together and keep telling ourselves that, then everthing will be ok.

And that is honestly what Hersheys tasted of. I wouldn't fib about chocolate.
Got to agree on cutting down on the amount of fat bastards out there - do some exercise. By kids bikes and not PlayStation 2, etc.

P.S. Sod dog chocolates - try marrowbone or charcoal flavoured dog biscuits. The charcoal is disgusting but marrowbone is tolerable.
I don't know, you might be surprised how big a part the government has in keeping people obese. all sugar comes from corn, which the u.s. government spends $20 billion a year marketing and feeding to an unsuspecting public everyday, every meal, in mass quanities. you can't even digest the shit, yet corn starch, syrup and cellulose are in bread, juice, toothpaste and every form of medicine you can put in your mouth. the government has even hired child psychologists to outsmart children and their parents into thinking that sugar is ok, when it is more addictive than heroin and crack.

at one point I even tried to go just a week without any sugar or aspartame, but it slowly became pure torture.
Mile-O-Phile said:
P.S. Sod dog chocolates - try marrowbone or charcoal flavoured dog biscuits. The charcoal is disgusting but marrowbone is tolerable.

Have you been drinking again Mile-O? Thet only time you even THINK about making a funny is when you've been drinking.

Was talking about the UK government, which is currently suggesting all sorts of ridiculous things to cut down on obesity. No leading by example though. And not all sugar comes from corn. It comes from sugar beet and sugar cane. I worked for Tate and Lyle once (very briefly). I had the glamourous job of checking that their brown sugars were the exact right shade of brown. On special days I got to check how much sugar was being washed away down the drains.

I was a bit frightened of the marrow ones. I think my brother had some and liked them though. But he used to eat the contents of ashtrays, so I'm a bit dubious about his recommendations.
watercrystal said:
It is amusing to notice that even in "hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey gives her patients, Harry, and Hemione chocolate" :eek: and that Professor Lupin gives harry a large piece of chocolate to move away his-harry's freziness after his sight of Dementor.

Isn't that funny? I admired Rowlling's humour. well, I mean, I liked her this idea. ;)

PS: Wabbit, Don't you have pic to show me either to arouse the appetite or to get rid of my silly curiosity? :rolleyes:
PPS: how you are in a chocolate way? Do you mean your mouth was full of Mars delight when you were tpying? :p

Well, Jello already showed you the pic of it :D So to anwser your other question. I'm not sure what I was meaning... but then im MAD :D
but I wouldn't worry myself over obese people, to be honest. they'll all disappear ...

when the earth is consumed by the sun.
RaVeN said:
Have you been drinking again Mile-O? Thet only time you even THINK about making a funny is when you've been drinking.

Actually, I was being serious there and referring to numerous instances of canine nutrition experiments in my youth. ;)
Mile-O-Phile said:
Actually, I was being serious there and referring to numerous instances of canine nutrition experiments in my youth. ;)

I was afraid of that.

Damn shame though, I'll bet your a funny guy to be around when yor pissed.

RaVeN said:
I'll bet your a funny guy to be around when yor pissed./QUOTE]

Well, Sunday night (after dancing like an epileptic monkey) I was wandering around Glasgow with kebab sauce all down my shirt and kept on going into a shop and buying stuff, coming out, and going back in.#

My hangover lasted till Tuesday. :(
How does an epileptic monkey dance?

And is something wrong, Mile - you're making more and more spelling mistakes?

Cheers, Martin