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For Brits only :P

Best new choccy bar

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<Points at Ice>

She's eaten Dog Chocolate, she has, she has!! :D

And i had a Mars Delight today at work ... i was not impressed, in fact i thought it was yucky!! If only they sold Fruit Pastilles & Irn Bru Bars!! :(

Okay, I've been meaning to ask about this dog chocolate. Here in the states, chocolate is considered bad for dogs because it can make them very sick. Is our chocolate so different from yours that this same problem doesn't exist? Just curious. And it's really not just chocolate that can cause problems... any dairy product can be bad for a dog.
Dog chocolate is special chocolate that is made specifically for dogs, and is not toxic too them as normal chocolate is!!

Having said that my sis told me she once fed a huge bar of Fruit & Nut to a dog (at the owner request) without any side effects at all!!


Chocolate contains theobromine which is poisonous to dogs. A 200g Yorkie bar can kill a small dog. Its found naturally in cocoa and the darker the chocolate the higher the content of theobromine (so therefore dark chocolate is the worst for a dog to eat).

I have no idea about dog chocolate though, never seen it (contrary to what Phil says :rolleyes: ) but i shouldn't think it contains any cocoa.
Not sure about dairy products, I know that some dogs cant tolerate milk but thats nothing to do with chocolate. My dog loves milk and I put a tiny bit on the floor for her if I have a glass. She also loves cheese :rolleyes:
(Not that she's at all spoilt :D )
Not chocolate but my sister's dog eats a whole packet of XXXtra Strong Mints (taken from my case of them) everytime it's brought round here. :mad:

It's breath smells good though.
Mile-O-Phile said:
Not chocolate but my sister's dog eats a whole packet of XXXtra Strong Mints (taken from my case of them) everytime it's brought round here. :mad:
You have a special case of strong mints? Is it a big case? Are you an addict or are you stinky? Do you never get bored of them and long for a soft mint? Or a Polo? Or maybe even a Refresher?
It turns out I've just been blind all this time. Orange kitkats and mars delights have both appeared in my local corner shop, no sign of the other one tho :(
Freya said:
The stuff that exploded in your mouth and you could feel it all whizzing round?!
I don't think I'd care much for anything whizzing in my mouth.

Being 'merican, I can't vote. But I just have to say that I like candy bars that have wavers, cookies, crispies, nuts, etc. secreted inside them. Reese's Nutrageous was a favorite of mine for a while. It's so nutty and peanut buttery! I rarely go for solid chocolate, 'cos too much chocolate tends to make me want to gag.

Several years ago, an acquaintance from Switzerland was planning a trip to the U.S. He needed help, and I merely obtained the phone number of a local hotel for him. A few weeks later, I found a package in the mail from him containing about a dozen large Swiss chocolate bars. They were pretty good, but being mostly solid chocolate, it took a long time to eat them all. It was a very nice payment for what was probably less than a minute's work.
I think that maybe I indulged in far too many sweets as a youth, because now I don't have much of a sweet tooth and tend to go for something salty.
I go for salty, too, Mort. However, that's slowly changing to sweets. I think I was the opposite...too much salty when I was younger and now I want sweet.
Mort said:
I think that maybe I indulged in far too many sweets as a youth, because now I don't have much of a sweet tooth and tend to go for something salty.

And yet you don't like things that whizz in your mouth? :confused:
SillyWabbit said:
OK... the IMPORTANT issues! We get too bogged down on this forum with talking about frivolous stuff!!


Out of the new chocolate bars on the market, which is the most yummy??? :D

  • Orange kit kat
  • Lemon and yogurt kit kat
  • Mars delight

I like orange kit kat :D
A gag about a fake wedding I can handle.

An entire thread lost to several jokes about a fake wedding is pushing it.

Several threads lost to endless jokes about a fake wedding is just too much.

Cheers, Martin