With forum growth also comes in a more diverse group of personalities. We run the gamut, from all out jerks who have nothing useful to say, to naive youngsters who are just getting their feet wet. There are many variants in between these two extremes. Some of us are abrasive fellows who know favorite authors inside and out, some have a wicked sense of humor paired with an acid tongue, some are goofballs, some are soft-hearted intellectuals who have a hard time expressing themselves, some are new to reading, and so, read what is on the bestseller list until they work up enough nerve to tackle something unusual. We are all subject, as well, to everyone's (and our own) particular moods, some may be in a jovial mood, while others are just cranky, and when the two mix, sparks can fly (no one's fault in particular, its just oil and water). And to top it all off, there is something major missing from our chosen form of communication-
body language.
How you say something is often times more important than
what you say. It is not difficult at all take a simple sentence and in one moment say something constructive, encouraging, or even nice, and in the next, make it rude and ugly. We all need to take these things into consideration when posting.
In my opinion, the all out jerks don't last long, they tend to get themselves banned quite quickly, and the naive youngsters tend to get scared away by the rest of us.