You need an education the hardway. Remember the story of Noah? e QUOTE]
Sorry good pal o'mine but I do not, namely because after reading through the bible once (Revelations was quite a ride, I wil admit; kept me up past my bed time), I decided it was a horribly written piece of shit, especially with the horrible character development. I mean, God Damn, how am I supposed to relate to the protagonist when I can't tell who the main character is? Jesus was a tad boring, almost like Harry Potter in the fifth book, shame to say. But you know, your name "Thrust N Spirit," and's awkward. Do you wish to thrust yourself into Noah? Only the burger knows, my friend. Only the burger knows.
A Proclamation
To The World10/28/93
00.00 That ye also MAKE HASTE and Petition one to another in My Name.
00.02 For in (she), ye shall My Anointing Spirit work steadily upon ye and quicken Ye toward greater works.
00.03 Be it not said among you that this be not sent from My Father who above else is your Creator and Finisher of ALL YOUR FAITH’S!
00.04 That this be not disproven among you. For faithless are ye who entrust Me not.
00.05 And greater is he who restraineth not his Calling for whose mission shall I thrust upon the driest land that Sea which shall overflow them. (See 77.01,4.07)
00.06 Be not distressed, for in she shall all echo be sounded and permeate all Wisdom thereof, for near are you that befall her words as Trickery and Foolish.
00.07 For theirs is the unequaled sum of their worth that shall transpire not against Me.
00.08 Go in Acceptance of this accord that thou mayest rebuke it not and (that) your Unbelieving Spirit be not waned against you.
00.09 For such is My Daughter whom shalt come in Time of Revealing Spirit and;
00.10 That whoever he be of whom shall Receive, shall he also be received unto Me. (See 35.15)
00.11 So is the Word of all My Begotten that He whom camest within you shall he cometh again.
00.12 That all ye exceedingly be received unto Me. Thus the Spirit incarnate be as restoration unto you that ye may utter in Jubilation and Lamentation be not your utterance!
00.13 For ner all of whom continue in this their Shortcomings, shall ye be one of them that transpire not His Eternal Triumph and Exceeding Glory. Amen and Amen.