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Pontalba,pontalba said:It has to be the car HH is referring to on p.307--this is after he has killed Quilty, and the "police chase" if you can call it a chase... Now the car has to be his reference, as earlier on, Nabokov uses the same structure in referring to Jean, Charlotte's friend p.104-105
Jean was already dead heself at this point, having died of cancer at 33.
Now the structure I am referring to is the way Nabokov places a direct address to the person/object in parenthesis that is mentioned in just the previous sentence.
Got It! Thenkyouverramuch! LOLBreaca said:
Peder said:And BTW, I wonder where the theme is of a person or figure who eternally wanders the Earth to cause good. Or is good just never as attractive as evil? Or do we assume it is always there? HAH!
Thats very true, but look how when Prof. Hagen was going to all the department heads, and they were to a man against Pnin. Blind and mean people that they were!Breaca said:Ah, but those that take the TIME to get to know Pnin warm up to him very nicely indeed. And I think he is absolutely adorable too![]()
Pontalba,pontalba said:This article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melmoth_the_Wanderer says that Appel's annotated version explains the reference. It does not. At least it doesn't in the notes. If it is mentioned in the introduction, I haven't seen it yet.
Yet more confusion.
I found the mention in Appel's intro...p.lviii in the footnote. But it doesn't address the wandering bit as far as I can tell. It mostly speaks of "direct address" being an important part of the narrative.
Peder said:Pontalba,
Great Scott! First Amazon, now wikipedia and half the world's writers! And we never had a glimmer. Oy!
No disrespect intended, but Nabokov sure beat us on that one!
Hey there Steffee!steffee said:Morning Peder and Pontalba and all. Haven't joined in any discussions for a few days so just wanted to say hello, really![]()
Glad to see our Lolita still going strong!
Edit: And Breaca too, didn't see your green light up there lol
Breaca,Breaca said:Within the pages of a Fantasy novel maybe![]()
Peder said:Pontalba will probably find it in wikipedia, or some other obvious place hidden to all the rest of us.
Pontalba,pontalba said:In other words, Peder in a round about way, is that Nabokov is in fact a balanced writer.He balances everything else, why not from novel to novel?