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Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita

Peder said:
...the book I mentioned, called "Trail of a Killer," was written by a different famous Austro-Hungarian author. And, famous though that author may be - you have undoubtedly heard of him --

That would undoubtedly be the [in]famous Herr Doktor Izzy Quilty.......;)
Let us first get a few things straight. Would that be Nimble Humble, of whom we have heard so much? Or would it be Himble Mumble, of whom we have heard so little? And, this Groszny's Wind (excuse you or bless you, as the case may be), was that the initial title of the miserable tome attributed to the aforementioned Izzy Quilty? Or might it not have been written by this Little Dorrit personage of whom you speak?

Um. Is it too early to ask for another break, Your Honor? I need to confer with well, with -- that woman over there -- the State, I think somebody called her.


And, oh, BTW, just which is Hizzonor anyhow? That man over there with the butter on his chin?
The Defense Part 2 The Manuscript

Butter on chin.
Court is now back in session. Everyone comfortable?
Very well, continuing...

The Manuscript
The prosecution will wave at you a sheaf of papers and claim that it is Mr. Himble's confession to all sorts of unspeakably disgusting crimes, in addition to the two that he is charged with. And that it was written in jail in an attempt to put himself in a good light and get himself free.

Nothing could be further from the truth. That so-called confession is Mr. Hmble's manuscript for a new novel. It was written at home, and kept in a locked drawer which was illegally forced open by the prosecution, after an illegal search and entry of his home. In fact it was the source of quite a row with Charlene when she came across it once, and thought some of the purely fictional entries in Mr. Himble's forthcoming book were about her. It almost broke their marriage.

I mentioned that Mr. Himble was a poor author. He could not, himself, create interesting stories or characters, and he couldn't write clear English worth beans. So he was always on the lookout for ideas that he could use as the basis for a story he might write. When he came across "Trail of a Killer" he noticed immediate similarities with his own personal situation. But he also noticed why it had not sold well. Despite all of the rumors you have heard, it had no s-e-x. It was only a bad detective story about a man who tracks down the kidnapper of his daughter and kills him. Mr. Himble saw exactly what it needed most, and decided to add in sex everywhere he could imagine.

Unfortunately, once again he was victim to his lack of imagination and could not fill in any actual details, especially not from his own paltry and unimaginative experience in such matters. So there is quite a bit of hinting and leering, but nothing actually ever comes of it. Oh sure, there is one scene where Little Dor is away at camp and becomes more experienced as a lookout while her two friends are behind a bush. Doesn't every child? But, for that scene Mr. Himble just went down to his local bookstore and only had to pick a book at random off the shelf to immediately find a scene to crib. Every book in the Young Adult section has them. So, all the sex in the book is all fiction -- his fiction or someone else's.

The total manuscript itself, however, is actually a mixture of fact and fiction.

Fact - His marriage to Charlene Blaze and her demise in an unfortunate accident are facts. But there is no criminality in that.

Fact - Innocent Little Dor, a young teenager with stars in her eyes, had been induced to leave home by an unscrupulous villain with promises of Hollywood, but who actually had other kinds of more sordid activities in mind. And we shall return to that in our closing.

Fact - Valiant Little Dor escaped from her seducer. But poor Little Dor was in a family way, as we say, when she made her way home, and was only just seventeen. You can imagine her father's reaction, not to mention her own, as her condition became clear.

Fact - The scenes where her father expresses his love for his daughter are direct expressions of Mr. Himble's genuine love for his little Dor. He of course needed no fiction for those scenes.

Fact - The remaining scenes, all scandalous, are pure figments of Mr. Himble's imagination, aided by excerpts from steamy romance novels that you can find on any bookstore shelf. None of the sex in the manuscript has actually ever occurred.

And now, with the court's permission I suggest we break for a leisurely and lawyerly 4-hour lunch. After lunch I shall demonstrate irrefutably the innocence of Mr. Himble and explain to the jury clearly the only verdict that can be returned.
State of Confusalatin' Confusion.....:rolleyes:

kept in a locked drawer which was illegally forced open by the prosecution, after an illegal search and entry of his home.

Ain't no sucha aminal 'round heare. Dis here is BookyLand.

he couldn't write clear English worth beans.

Ah! That explains the um, er, coffee break!

But he also noticed why it had not sold well. Despite all of the rumors you have heard, it had no s-e-x.

:D :D :eek:

Fact - The remaining scenes, all scandalous, are pure figments of Mr. Himble's imagination, aided by excerpts from steamy romance novels that you can find on any bookstore shelf. None of the sex in the manuscript has actually ever occurred.

The case of the peverted plagerizer............shocking:eek:
Er, mmm, scratching of head.... I think I need to go and read a few pages back for I dare join this little forray into bookyland.

I'll be back, she says cautiously, wondering if she can make sense of the past few pages. Ooh I do hope so, this looks very entertaining.:D
Or maybe I should just go to bed as I can't seem to type right now. :eek: Or maybe I was just testing how awake ya'll are out there in bookyland.
Breaca said:
Er, mmm, scratching of head.... I think I need to go and read a few pages back for I dare join this little forray into bookyland.

I'll be back, she says cautiously, wondering if she can make sense of the past few pages. Ooh I do hope so, this looks very entertaining.:D

Breaca -- a garland of garlic may be in order here... ... ... save yourself ..
Breaca said:
Or maybe I should just go to bed as I can't seem to type right now. :eek: Or maybe I was just testing how awake ya'll are out there in bookyland.

Get thee back in here woman!!:eek:

StillILearn said:
Breaca -- a garland of garlic may be in order here... ... ... save yourself ..

Oh for Heaven's Sake.......don't warn her, she doesn't know about............ahhhrrrggghhhhh!!!.........
pontalba said:
Get thee back in here woman!!:eek:


Patience is a virtue you know:p . Hold on, I'm on page 31.....

-StillILearn - As for garlic... Have had a rummage in the kitchen and could only find garlic powder. Commencing to punch holes in the top of container so that I can string it around my neck. :D
Note to Self:

Contact Moderators regarding the creation of a 'smilie' that has its eyes crossed and is saying Oy Vey!!

Sticky to self:

Contact moderators and request the creation of a smilie that shows person curled up in corner convulsed with laughter.
StillILearn said:
Sticky to self:

Contact moderators and request the creation of a smilie that shows person curled up in corner convulsed with laughter.

........I've fallen....and I can't get up.......

;) :D :eek:

say good night gracie
"He is abnormal. He is not a gentleman." p.5 "Lolita"

"No matter how they may be broken, the victims will not be forced into submission." p.75 "Reading Lolita in Tehran"

Run, Breaca, run. :eek:

good night, gracie.
You two please behave yourselves. If you get any stickier we'll be peeling you off your keyboards. I'm getting to the serious bit now - Peder's opening arguments. Must concentrate and not dwell on Ms 'P' rolling on the floor. Get up woman before you do yourself an injury.:eek: