New Member
Peder said:Still,
Yes, even I can see the resemblance! But I sure hope I never look as stern as the other guy does. He could even scare them into eating their veggies as welll as their oatmeal!
You are our kinder, gentler Peter Ackroyd.

I guess I'll go google him, just for the halibut. (Food related thread here.)

Ackroyd/Nabokov link:
[…] it may be that Nabokov is fascinated by his own work, and so continues to harass and worry it in order to extract some key or secret code which will justify it all; or, more probably, it may be that his talent has long since atrophied and he is condemned to the constant reworking of his original material, to press some scent out of the already heavily pressed flower […]. When a novel strives too hard to become literature, it falls into literariness. Nabokov’s words are hollow and external, and he lays them on with a trowel. All that is left is solemn persona playing with himself and that—of course—leads to blindness. [28-29]