pontalba said:
So, all in all at the moment we are considering
Glory, The Gift, Despair, Ada, or Pale Fire.
Who has what book available to them at present? I have all of them,
Peder has said he has all but two (not ones being considered though),
Steffee has
Despair and The Gift ?
Breaca has
Ada and Glory. Is all of that right?
SIL, I take it you have
Pale Fire and what else?
What say ye?
But I suspect some more can be had of Timofey.......
I am definitely not done with posting on Pnin yet. But I can read, post and chew gum at the same time.
It's also true that I have any and all mentioned, so far, so that's not a concern here. However, whatever is decided it looks like some book buying will have to be done by someone since we don't have many all in common. So maybe the issue is who is willing or able to borrow or buy what?
But when you aks point blank what would I like to read, I get this strange answer that I would like to read a real mystery of his.
Sebastian Knight? Or
Harlequins, his last, if it was also obscure. Some time I'd like to read his best shot at confusing the reader. I think he has a hidden talent for that lurking somewhere.

Or whichever one I once
saw described as "not only does the reader not know what is going on, but neither do any of the characters." But that's only me, and I can do that anytime on my own, so I suggest we not expand the list just for that. I'll go look on Amazon and find which one that is anyway.
Pale Fire with
SIL, and anyone? Yes, I wouldn't mind that at all. Someday maybe it won't elude me and I'll have an a-ha moment, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe with SIL and Pontalba, and Breaca to explain it to me might do it, while I rock slowly back and forth.
I'd rather read what someone else suggests, especially something that everyone can get hold of.
It's not as if we are thinking of reading only one more Nabokov, are we? j/k j/k
SIL, Brian Boyd's companion book of interpretation to
Pale Fire is fully as interesting and amazing as
Pale Fire itself. I would almost call it a must read.