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jenngorham said:i spelled his name wrong. shawn desman go to the link and you will have your answer.
leckert said:Did he do that to his hair a-purpose?
jenngorham said:i don't know. but he is live cheese walking around on two legs. good grief and gravy!!!!!
jenngorham said:no worries. i'm not getting you a t shirt from the shawn desmond concert that is here this weekend.
I would go so far as to say he is 'fromage', in fact. And yet... there's something addictive to his correographed dance and his videos in which all the women just adore him.leckert said:So, Kooky, do you concur that this Desman fellow is cheesy?
Kookamoor said:But the hair is just going too far. It reminds me of those Pepi LePew cartoons in which the cat always got paint or hairdye accidently spilt down it's back and looked like a skunk.
leckert said:When I was a kid, our 6th grade class took a trip to the local insane asylum (don't laugh, that's what you do when you are in Ohio!).
Some of the patients there had hair like his.
Or were you just too cheap to go to a zoo or museum?Ronny said:Was that part of career training week?
Oh.jenngorham said:i will, sadly, be missing that concert.