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Tell a lie

Vespertilio91 said:
I didn't just put a huge dent in the side of my dad's new truck and leave six scratches down the right hand side. Nor did I blame my dad for doing it himself when it clearly was my fault.

I never did that either when I was 16 and when I didn't break the side mirror at a drive through and tell my dad he must have done it himself. Which he didn't totally fall for. :p
And I didn't try to sneak the car out the driveway at night without lights on and holding the door open to see and the door crunching when it caught a tree.

And I didn't hit a train with my Dad's car one foggy night, picture of car available.
My room has never been messy for my entire life, and I can walk from the door to my bed without tripping over anything, and I consisently dust and vacuum it, and I always know where all my files and books are, as I am very extroardinarily organized.

*nose grows a good foot or so*
This forum is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. I nearly pi*s myself every time I log on.:)
jaybe said:
This forum is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. I nearly pi*s myself every time I log on.:)
Jay,this is the lie thread - you're not supposed to tell the truth! :p :D
My old classmate, Donny Osmond is bringing his family over tomorrow for a backyard barbecue. He thinks he's going to convert me to Mormonism, but he doesn't know I plan to convert him. He isn't aware I invited Franklin Graham to the same event..If he can swing it, my other old friend, Ricky Skaggs will stop by and entertain us. I hope the neighbors don't mind the noise. I hope Ricky remembers to bring his mom's potato salad..
You have no standards, Gem, or you'd be completely ignoring it like I am. (I almost wrote "like me", but I didn't want to be ambiguous.)
lady.cordelia said:
i'm not a ridiculous person who goes to a certain unnamed site everyday waiting for sign to be removed from a certain door. :rolleyes:
What site?

My rubik's cube says something completely different than "will you go to the dance with me" on it. How did that (not) get there?