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Tell a lie

tundra said:
What site?

My rubik's cube says something completely different than "will you go to the dance with me" on it. How did that (not) get there?


a website. jk rowling's site. if the sign is removed from the door, then you can try to figure out how to get to clues to the next book. i'm such a nerd.
lady.cordelia said:

a website. jk rowling's site. if the sign is removed from the door, then you can try to figure out how to get to clues to the next book. i'm such a nerd.

Oh. I think I've been there..and I couldn't get into the secret backroom or something since I didn't have any OWL test results...and the testing period had closed. I too am a nerd.
tundra said:
Oh. I think I've been there..and I couldn't get into the secret backroom or something since I didn't have any OWL test results...and the testing period had closed. I too am a nerd.
*phew* so glad it isn't just me! and i'll be nerdier in telling you they weren't OWL results, but the WOMBAT! LOL! there should be another wombat test coming up soon. ;)
oh yes, WOMBAT. I knew it was something longer but all I could think of was OWL. You must let me know when the next test comes up. There's no point in both of us checking a certain sight to see if the sign is gone from the certain door..now, is there? Teeheehee..
tundra said:
oh yes, WOMBAT. I knew it was something longer but all I could think of was OWL. You must let me know when the next test comes up. There's no point in both of us checking a certain sight to see if the sign is gone from the certain door..now, is there? Teeheehee..
i'll be glad to. i'll even try to get the info on how to get to the test. you have to go through a bunch of steps, or at least last time you did. they always have info on how you can get there on geeky sites i visit.

oh wait. i forgot this was the lie thread. in that case, i am totally not a nerd and i visit no geeky sites. i am totally cool.
I am a nerd. I love to eat mud. And I am allergic to everything with fur on it. I am related to the King of Zambia. My name is Edwardo The Great and I do magic tricks for little children at birthday parties.
Vespertilio91 said:
I am a nerd. I love to eat mud. And I am allergic to everything with fur on it. I am related to the King of Zambia. My name is Edwardo The Great and I do magic tricks for little children at birthday parties.

you lie. you are full of deceit.
tundra said:
You lied that I lied that you lied.
You lied that I lied that you lied that I lied. Can we stop this? My head's starting to ache. What do they call it when your head starts aching. Oh yeah, a pain in the ass.
Vespertilio91 said:
You lied that I lied that you lied that I lied. Can we stop this? My head's starting to ache. What do they call it when your head starts aching. Oh yeah, a pain in the ass.

I think what you really meant to say was will I stop this. Because you obviously didn't. I am amenable to your request.
tundra said:
I think what you really meant to say was will I stop this. Because you obviously didn't. I am amenable to your request.
I said we because I did not think that we both would not end this fight. So I said we should not stop, meaning I don't stop and you don't stop. It didn't end after my last post, now did it?
Vespertilio91 said:
I said we because I did not think that we both would not end this fight. So I said we should not stop, meaning I don't stop and you don't stop. It didn't end after my last post, now did it?

I have stopped. I didn't say a word about lying in my last post.
(out of context of thread) This is a lie post, Tundra. Therefore, take out every not I put in my post and you will get the meaning of it. I hadn't continued and neither had you, and therefore the entire 'we' thing was fulfilled. (end out of context of thread)

I have worn the same pair of socks for six days.