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The official 2012 apocalypse thread

What? It's a good word, as words go. OK, it's not the word most people would use to describe their reaction to the sun rising, but still.
Through chatting with a friend over what he acknowledged was a very difficult weekend, it dawned on him that instead of the biblical Rapture in which the faithful would be swept up to the heavens, May 21 had instead been a "spiritual" Judgment Day, which places the entire world under Christ's judgment, he said.

The globe will be completely destroyed in five months, he said, when the apocalypse comes. But because God's judgment and salvation were completed on Saturday, there's no point in continuing to warn people about it, so his network will now just play Christian music and programs until the final end on Oct. 21.

Hmm. I'm looking forward to the days after October 21st just to read Camping's reaction. Assuming we're all still around, of course ;).
So, less than a week to go before the world is destroyed by fire, people. What are your plans?

October 21, 2011 Judgment Day and End of the World! Tract - eBible Fellowship

Personally I'm just hoping they'll hold the fire until after the PJ Harvey concert I'm going to on Friday. I can die happy then.

Just great, I'll have to take the kids trick or treating a tad bit early now. Maybe I'll hold a "the end is near" placard and go as a bum like oracle that everyone ignores.:whistling:
And here I planned on going on a Costco run tomorrow and stocking up on toilet paper and Tequila. The toilet paper now seems irrelevent.
And if Mr Camping's original idea of it happening at 6PM in every time zone still holds up, then Auckland should have fried an hour ago. Funny, the news haven't mentioned it.


Oh well, we'll know in 20 minutes. When Vladivostok goes up, the Russians are bound to launch a nuclear counterattack against... well, someone.