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The world's greatest biscuits.

lies said:
I shall try to resist.

I shall try to be strong.

And in the end...

I shall cave.

There's a battle in my head.

awww.angelfire.com_zine2_chasingfame_spork.gif vs

Maison Delacre's chocolate cookies! And brownies! And Pim Cakes! And oh oh oh so much.
I love those Trio biscuits - biscuit with a soft toffee topping, covered in chocolate. Mmmm. I haven't seen any in the shops for ages! OMG I think they've been discontinued!! :eek: *goes into a decline*
Halo, Oh my goodness, I remember that biscuits, Trio. I used love it. I forget all about it. You brought it up to remember. Amazing!
Trios were excellent. They were a bit lackluster after you'd bitten off the toffee and then nibbled round the edges for the chocolate, but that was good toffee.
Yes, the biscuit itself was a sad, stale disappointment after the gorgeous toffee. Well, that's three of us who may be interested in a "Bring Back Trios" campaign, anyone else care to join us? :)
Sapper41 said:
i'm going to go buy some oreos in a few minutes.
You should have that as your signature.

I hope no one from the government reads this thread. With all their whittering about obesity, I'll probably be arrested as a public enemy. But then, if I just offer the arresting officer some biscuits and a nice cup of tea he'll be powerless to resist my charms. Mwahahahahahaha!
I updated my sig for you Litany, can I join your pirate crew now? Please? Pretty pretty please? with a hobnob on top?
Arrrrrr. Shiver me timbers and hoist the badger. Ye be a true pirate spirit. Step aboard the good ship Sporky, and hand over them biscuits. Arrrrr.
I would like to take a moment to declare my undying love for El Beardo Diablo. Some people may say it's just the chocolate talking, but who cares about them. Have you seen the size of this box of biscuits? It's bloody huge! :eek:

A big thumbs up on the soft batch Kebler cookies, and the caramel apple fig newtons are might fine too. Unfortunately I can't have a big bowl of biscuits for my tea as I have to go out for dinner tonight. But rest assured, tomorrow will be manic with sugar!
It took me forever to find a chocolate laxitive that would melt and have just the right consistency. :D

You're more than welcome. :eek:

Biscuit philosophy 101

There are two schools of thought. The first is that a biscuit should not have discrete chocolate, the second is that a biscuit may and indeed is better with discreet chocolate, the third . . .

There are THREE schools of thought. the first is that . . . . .the third is that a biscuit is a cracker, the fourth is that a biscuit is a cake-like object eaten in the US Southern states.

There are FIVE schools of thought . . . The fifth is that the biscuit is anything that one may eat at tea that does not have a filling or a meat.

Now, which school of thought do I adhere to? Let's see, I would have to waver between the Hobnobbian view of allowed chocolate (number two) and the number 1 view that a biscuit should consist of sweet and wholesome nonchocolately ingredients in a flattish format with a minimum of excess distractions.

And the winner is . . . . extra dark chocolate Little Schoolboy biscuits made by the Lu company. Go there. Eat them. You will see.
We had some lovely biscuits today - choc chip chunks and raisins - strange yet delightful combination.
Horray! I finaly get the chance to taste some of Litnay's Hobnobs. :) You should see the variety of yummies I received in exchange for a few double stuffs. In the morning I'm having a Kinder Egg omlet. :D

I bow down to the chocolatie mistress of sticky delights. There's no one else I'd rather have scrape this Cornwall fudge from the roof of my mouth.

Thanks Litany, Whenever I taste clotted cream, I'll think of you.

RaVeN said:
Thanks Litany, Whenever I taste clotted cream, I'll think of you.
You know, you're not the first man to say that to me. Oh no, wait, he wasn't talking about clotted cream at all. Carry on.

Now be careful with those Kinders. Don't choke on the small pieces. I don't want the poisoned Smarties to go to waste.
You'll have to wait for further analysis. I could only get 4 in my mouth at once. :D

The rolled oats are quite tasty. And speaking as a person that's not crazy about chocolate, it's subtle and not overbearing. I can see how they would become addictive.

I give them 4 out of a possible 5 stars. I reserve the right to change it to 5 stars if they cleanse my system to appropriate satisfaction.

Upon further review, I think adding raisins to the Hobnobs would put them in a class by themselves. Has such utter madness ever been tested there?
