SFG75 said:
Well, I came home and happened upon my first complimentary issue of The Atlantic Monthly and in flipping through the pages, what do I see? A great write-up on Lolita by none other than Christopher Hitchens!.

This good
article is definitely worth venturing over to the library and reading in its whole entirety if you are not fortunate enough to have a subscription.
In reading the Hitchens article, it was interesting to note that
Lolita, is not just about sexual seduction, it's about one individual completely overtaking another, smothering the other person until they are just reduced to next to nothing and in Lo's case, unable to recover after trying to piece together some resemblance of sanity in her life. I haven't thought of the book in this light before, and perhaps it's something that a lot of people overlook in just hearing about the book and getting all hot and bothered about the sex stuff.
I would have to agree with
Pontalba that:
in regards to:
Quilty definitely looks like the better of the two when Lo is trying to evade H.H. and is smothered by him, but I'm not certain which character is worse.
OOPS! It looks likes your post was up there when I signed off last night and I am so sorry I missed it! My sincerest apologies 100%
Glad that you mentioned that Hitchens article. It sounds like there may be others in the magazine? Under the overall title "Hurricane Lolita"? In any event, I'm going to hope my luck holds and that I can catch up with an actual copy today.
Yesterday, on my trip into the City, I managed to find the last remaining copy of the December
Playboy in a magazine rack. The January issue is now out all over the place, so this particular Borders just seemed to be slow in getting them into the rack. (Wall Street, no less! How will the horny traders ever live?!) And, briefly, I was carried all the way back to my youth, searching for

I must say that rack has really expanded enormously since I last looked, about a hundred years ago.
As far as smothering Lolita, I think that is what Humbert may also finally believe is the full evil he has done to her. There is the short poignant scene, with him on the hillside expecting to be arrested, where he hears the voices of children coming up from the valley and realizes that Lolita's voice is not among them. And never can or will be. That stabs this reader's heart (and deserves a full hanky all to itself

). It is on pg 308, facing the last page of the book.
Quilty is panderer and pervert to the end as far as I can tell, in his final scene with Humbert, so my opiniion of him has not come up at all now that I have finished reading the book. Finished reading, but no-way finished discussing! There is so much that comes up in the concluding episodes. Especially on L and Q and the events involving them.
But that line about Lo blurting out that she would rather go back to Quilty still really annoys me. For the first time, I am really miiffed with my favorite author!

But more on that later. I am not done with him, and he is going to hear from me! Mark my words!
Good morning all,
Yawning and stretching
